Soooooo my home pc crashed but no big deal I have my laptop for work. Got my stitches our Friday, worked from home no problems. Saturday I get up way later than I normally sleep and feeling kinda yucky but my phone dings with an email and I see that the grades from my previous class have been posted. So, I boot up the old trusty laptop for work - did I mention this is my work laptop - and what do I get a notice from McAfee that is contained a Trojan - only it must not have done a good job because then I get the blue screen of death. So now I have NOOOOOO computer - I was completely beside myself. So I call my daughter to borrow her laptop and at spend all day Sunday from 9 am to 5 am researching and writing a paper that was due Monday ( I had planned to do this Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) I get it done because I need to get her laptop back to her Sunday as she has school work of her own to do. Then my grandmother tells me that my mother had given her a computer that she hasn't set up that I am welcome to come and get to use until mine is repaired. So that was a good thing - I drove over there, she made her fabulous homemade cheesecake to send home to Mr Man for his birthday now that he is well enough to eat it. So I get this pc home - fire her up and she is working pretty good except now she is running a little sluggish but I installed my printer, wireless key and mouse, camerea, and McAfee but it is really late so this will be all the whining for now. Thank you for ear/eyes :) Can't wait to take my dead laptop into work so I can sit and do nothing while I wait for new PC GRRRRR
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
That would be Angelina Jolie I think she is the most beautiful woman alive and very fascinating, she doesn't care what other people and she is a HUGE humanitarian. Who do you think is the most beautiful woman today?