Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 Goal Evaluations

Jacket - Monroe & Main
Turtle neck - unknown
Jeans - Jessica London
Cloggers - Catos
Wow, this week has flown by, I can't believe it's already Friday and almost the end of 2011. So on my March 23, 2011 post I shared with you my goals for 2011:

So January 1, 2011 I said I would:
1) Get of debt
2) Finish BA and start MBA
3) Get Real Estate License
4) Lose weight - 52 lbs to be exact
5) Keep  fixing up the house
6) Continue self improvement/style improvement
7) Become involved in more activities
8) Organize work and become more efficient
9) Be a better person
10) Get breast  implants - for my 40th b-day
So let's see how I did:
1) nope all my "master plans" fell through- this will be number one again on the 2012 list
2) completed - BA in hand and MBA started
3) Nope - must have money to start venture number 1 stopped this one - adding to 2012 but most likely 2013 when finished with MBA
4) almost - wanted to loose 52 lbs but was 20 lbs short - adding to 2012 list for the last 20 lbs
5) still working on - UpperCase Living and light fixtures help complete - add to 2012
6) yes - looking at this past years pictures I can see a difference - reading my fellow bloggers help with this - added again to 2012
7) mmmm I do attend more functions and I joined Bible Study - not sure this will make 2012 as not sure it really adds value
8) Always a WIP adding to 2012
9) Depends on my mood - adding to 2012 :)
10) nope but still want them that stupid number 1 GRRRR

Are you going to do a list for 2012? Did you complete your list for 2011? Since I don't blog on the weekend, I wish you a Happy and Safe New Year.... I will be thinking of my complete list for 2012...until then SEE YA NEXT YEAR!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I forgot to get a pic with the cool cord jacket that I put with this - went perfectly with my boots. Kristine, Lori, and I went on a Ross run and Kristine found the cord jacket that she said was perfect for me, and she was sooo right. I have to admit that blouse drove me crazy all day, the buttons kept popping open, good thing I had the scarf on or there could have been some embarrassing moments....

New Years is right around the corner, what kind of traditions do you do to bring in the New Year? My friend Kristine does some really cool things - she and her family have a picnic in the living room with board games and movies. Mr Man and I have gone to dinner and a movie in the past on New Years Eve, I was surprised to see how many people go to the movies during that time. Do you believe in any of the superstitions? My grandfather always insisted my grandmother make a pot a black eyed peas.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

After Math

so as you know <embarrassed grin> I had a melt down yesterday and woke up with the "mood" lingering on, then taking my picture dropped my camera and then couldn't get it to turn back on. I pouted and whined all day, you can ask my friend Kristine, about all my woes and my camera. Then Kristine says to me, well how old are the batteries?" Then it dawns me, "Hey.......I don't remember seeing the battery in it when I was trying to force it to come on" Soooooooo, guess what I find under my coffee table when I get home from work? The battery, amazing thing then happened after I put the battery in, my camera came back to life - it didn't die and I still have my beloved camera. Although, some of the pictures have been coming out blurry the last two, but I think I'm moving. This outfit was when the weather warmed up nicely and those pants, I swear looked thinner on me in the mirror. So anyhow, I think I have shaken the mood but need to get in a good work out. Thank you for putting up with me :) You are now entering into the upward movement of my roller coaster mood these days :) <My grandmother swears I need to take B6>

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Watch This - GRRRRRR

So this sums up the mood I'm in in today. I have decided that for the year 2012 I am no longer going to be any ones door mat, unappreciated, and insignificant. Have you ever had a relationship where it finally dawns  hits you between the eyes that it's all about them, you are insignificant, and the other person is so self-absorbed that they don't even know you have feelings or care for that matter?  After all you were put on this Earth to serve them?! NOT!! The words for the day, "Watch this" Well, I must say that I now I will be focused even more intently on getting things aligned and then out of no where I will be saying to the superior ones, "Watch THIS"

<Deep Breath> Thank you for letting me vent - I feel liberated now to low growl :) So back to reality - back to work, blah blah. Hope you are having a better week than mine is starting out.....

Monday, December 26, 2011

Last Day

Today is the last day of no working - tomorrow is back to the grindstone. I have enjoyed my time off and Christmas turned out very nice as well. The weather Christmas day was spring like - I cooked a brunch and then the guests had gone and the kitchen was clean, I went to the Greenway - it was soooo nice!!! I am hoping to get to go today as well. For Christmas, I got a dual controlled electric mattress cover, trouser socks, lotion, my mother gave me a smoked ham and her fab potato salad, James Patterson book, Shelley got me the coolest chef clock which will make my Wednesday Smiles blog, a cool hat, house shoes, and a gorgeous scarf. The best part was sharing a meal with laughs and enjoying the company of the ones I love the most. What did you get for Christmas this year?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday Already?

For the record, I felt like a HOT MAMA in this outfit, something about boots on the outside..... Man, this week has flown by. I have enjoyed being off and I've been plugging into work and  handling some issues but it still was not bad - I did not have to make the 45 - 60 minute commute all week. It's funny how much that drive wears me out - not to mention the lack of being woke up by an alarm clock. I didn't get up until 10 am on Thursday - GEEZ slept my day away!! I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas and feel the love and hope that the holiday should bring. For those of you mourning the loss of a loved one - my prayers go out to you and I can only hope the good memories of your loved ones will help you through the season. I still have a three day weekend and no class next Tuesday - YAHHHH

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Smile with Monstercakes

I Smile at being able to go see the Nutcracker, courtesy of  my employer
I really enjoyed it - I love the ballet

SOCK MONKEY courtesy of my friend Kristine
It's not an ornament but he looks so CUTE in my tree

I smile at the progress I am making on transforming my body
This is December and the pic below is April

I hope you are finding plenty to smile about during this Holiday!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday - Day 2 Stay-cation

Today will be a little hectic - have to get my paper written that is due today and have class tonight - why, oh why, have I become a procrastinator? That is definitely something I am going to work on for the New Year, not sure when I developed this but I am starting to notice in a trend of this behavior in all aspects of my life - NOT GOOD I am enjoying my vacation so far - enjoyed lounging around the house yesterday. Well.... have to get the paper completed :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday - Day 1 Stay-cation

Happy Monday everyone!! I did not have to get up by an alarm clock today YAHHHH I accomplished some Christmas shopping and even got most of them wrapped :) I had a small budget and there aren't as many gift under the tree as in years past, but...... that is NOT what Christmas is about and I enjoy buying for others and really like the spirit of giving. I love to turn the lights off in the living room and watch the lights from the tree. Nothing planned for today and I am hoping that my car does not have to leave the drive nor do I have to get out of my p.j. :) Too bad I do have school work to get done but nothing after Tuesday :) Hope you have a great week

Friday, December 16, 2011


Okay, this outfit looked much better in my mind than it turned out......
<sigh> oh well, today is my last day of work until December 27 :) I am so excited and I plan to not leave the house most of this time off - I sure hope it works out that way for me, usually when I try to accomplish this, a million tasks suddenly appear that require my attention. Do you have any big plans this weekend? Sunday I am going to see the Nutcracker, I am excited, a little nervous about driving downtown in Nashville but it's a matinee so traffic should be light (hopefully) and I have my trusty little GPS :) oohhh and guess what my friend Kristine surprised me with.... A baby stuffed sock monkey!!! He will be making an appearance on my Wednesday Smiles :)  Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gorgeous Day

Wednesday was 65 degrees and sunny. I was sooo happy to see sunshine, my afternoon walk was FAB!! So I just need to get through today and tomorrow :)  I have agreed to log on to work for a couple of hours each day to do some reporting and answer any "hot" e-mails. I figure that is no big deal, treat it like reading the paper in the morning :) I am still ready to be off from work. My headaches and yucky feeling have finally subsided, perhaps I have been fighting off a bug. Knock on wood, but I have been very blessed to have a high immune system, I rarely get sick. Downside to that is that I don't understand sickness so I sometimes lack patience for loved ones that get sick, Mr Man, has the lowest immune system I have ever seen. Bless his heart, he lives with Nurse Ratchet :) How is your week going so far?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Smile with MonsterCakes

This is my idea using UpperCase Living - The word "Recipe" in English, German, Italian, and French I am thinking of reordering the words in all black - black looks the best

I smile at how pretty these are

I smile at how naughty I am - I bought this as a Christmas gift but I really love this......
should I keep it, should I give it.....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One Down

One down - four to go...made it through Monday YAHHH I have decided I may need reading glasses. I think that might be my problem with not wanting to do anything. I am keeping a slight headache and attribute this looking at the computer screen all the time. We shall see.

Monday, December 12, 2011

I don't want to.....

Is it already Monday? Really?! The lazy monster has really tied me up!! I don't want to do ANYTHING, I don't want to clean the house,  I don't want to do school work, I don't want to wrap presents, I don't want to go to work - are you sensing a theme here?  NOT GOOD I have too much to do and all I have to do is get through this week and then I start stay-cation and while I have to attend school next Tuesday night, I do not have to school the following Tuesday which means I don't have any school work next either after Tuesday :) SWEET!! I have a really good weekend, it was a cold weekend so I did Zumba for the first time on Sat -<Light Bulb> I didn't get my spiritual cleansing on the Greenway maybe that's why I'm acting and feeling all depressed...mmmmmmmm but anyways back to my weekend... :)

Zumba was okay, I had no clue what I was doing so I spent most of the time trying to figure out the moves but I did get a good work out and today I can barely walk because my calves are sore so I must have done something, uh? Saturday afternoon went to an UpperCase Living crafts get together and made some really cute Christmas presents for some of my family members - great fun, food, and FAB company!! Sunday - the Lazy Monster came - I got up with intentions of getting some school work done, going to Church, cleaning the house and etc. Nothing on that list got accomplished - you know why? Cuz I didn't want to LOL that is a concept I have learned as I have gotten older - if I don't want to, I don't have to, and there are, in most cases, no consequences, except the school work on the list, makes no real difference. It just means that now I'll be scrambling tomorrow night to get it all done. That doesn't bother me too much as I tend to produce my best work, last minute and under pressure :) of course there always exceptions. How was your weekend? Do you have your shopping completed?

Friday, December 9, 2011


I feel like  I have been the walking dead. I have been soooo tired lately. Tuesday night in class my eyes get heavy and my legs start cramping, same thing tonight during Bible study - I'm not sure why my legs start cramping these days but it feels strange but is alleviated by standing up and stretching. I am still not sure what I'm going to do about walking on Sat - it is going to be really cold. I had thought about checking out a Zumba class on Sat. Everyone that has ever done Zumba LOVES it but I am worried about my knees. Wish me some restful sleeping so I can get through the day.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Almost There

There are my new favorite pants, not to mention they make me feel skinny :) Of course, tonight is my first night with Mr Man's new shift - now he is gone before I get home and I have done nothing but want to eat :(  luckily this is the beginning of my week for my points so after tonight be back on track and not have done any harm. On the count down for my vacation, I really need this time off. Looking forward to anything?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hyped Up on Cardio

December is shaping up to be a rainy one, last year was a rainy and gloomy winter - BAH HUMBUG I way overate my points this weekend and this rain is preventing me from getting to walk at work. I am making it to the gym but I am not having to fit 30 minutes of elliptical time at night - in between homework, kitchen cleaning, eating, and general house chores. The time has been falling around 8 and tonight about 8:40 pm, problem with that is that it's hard for me to wind down to get some sleep. All hyped up on cardio LOL I am blessed to have an elliptical at home though, courtesy of Mr Man a few years ago for Christmas.

This is on my favorite outfits - orange and brown (Stacey colors) LOL. You can tell when it's a rainy morning by if I have a scarf in my hair, unless it's close to hair color time, I also use them to cover up my gray :) How do you beat the winter blues? Do you work out at night or in the am?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Culture Fascinating - Are we women that different?

Wow, another weekend blew by.... The weather Sat was gorgeous - went to the Greenway  and then later that afternoon went with my grandmother to her church, the Latter Day Saints, to a Nativity Festival, it was the neatest thing. I will share the pics on Wednesday. There were some neat things there. I am fascinated with other cultures, especially German. I am a boring, plain Jane American girl, my heritage is Irish/Cherokee Indian on my mothers side and I believe more Cherokee and Dutch on my father's side. I did visit Germany when I was around 2 years old but unfortunately do not remember any of it. The thing that fascinates me, and remember this is only through research so if you are German and I get it wrong, please don't hate. Per my research, Germans are a no nonsense and do business to the point. Mr Man's mother was German and he told me that German go to school and also learn a trade, I haven't understood how they pick the trade for the child, for instance, sewing would not have been a good trade for me since I can't cut a straight line..... I didn't get to meet Mr Man's mother as she passed away a few years before I met him. I often wonder if she would have approved of me, but he tells me of summers spent on the beaches of Italy and beautiful nature that he was surrounded by at his Oma's and the pastries she would make for him for breakfast with homemade hot chocolate.

Well me, I was here in America, playing in the yard with my two brothers while he frolicked on an Italian beach and ate freshly caught shell fish.....uuuuummmmmm, no comparison,  yet his mother wanted to make sure that her sons were raised in America. Don't get me wrong, I am not ungrateful, well okay, I must be a little for coveting  his childhood, but I wonder would it had been so different to grow up somewhere besides America?  Are American women that much different from German, Russian, or any other cultures (besides the middle east, I know the women are oppressed there)? Do we think that much differently? What do you think?

Blouse - Catos
Capris - Goodies
Boots - Monroe and Main
Can you see Heathen sitting behind me? :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday= Sushi & Ross

Today is thankfully Friday... Kristine, Lori, and I are doing a Ross run ending with Pub lix sushi - YAAHHHHHH The weather is going to be FAB for walking on Sat and I can't wait to walk on the Greenway. My grandmother and I are going to her Mormon church to view their live nativity scene. I think that will be cool. The Christmas parade is also Sat night but I don't guess I'll get to go to that but that is okay :) I learned tonight in bible study another couple is getting a divorce. I keep hearing about all these couples getting a divorce and I am so saddened by that. Mr Man and I have lived together for 14 years = 2011-1998= oops nope make that 13 years :) and I have been talking to him about marriage as I do not like being the girlfriend at age 40 and well it just seems like after all this time it should have been completed. What are you thoughts on living together? Well.... have a great weekend and wish me luck in my Ross hunting :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December? Already?

Man this year is breezing right on by. I can't believe it's now December, GEEZ I really do enjoy the holidays though. I love the lights and sounds of Christmas. This will be a slim Christmas for us as money is tight. I will just buy for my Shelley and her husband and Randall (after I consult Santa about his behaviour LOL). Funny thing is that I started to not put up  a tree this year, feeling sorry for myself, but then it dawned on me. Christmas is not a show of how well I am doing financially it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, and so I enjoy the lights and up went the tree and all my other decorations. You know what? I am soooo glad I have them up, it makes me feel happy. My family and I are going to bake each other gifts and I am kinda excited about that. So I will gathering ideas to make for my various family members :) What kind of traditions do you and your family have?
This is a repeat outfit - the weather has changed so it will look like I have all new clothes in my fall/winter clothes :)

My new precioooouuusss from UpperCase Living - a little egg to represent my two children, Shelley and Randall

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Smile and decorate with MonsterCakes :)

My niece and nephews - the biscuit eaters :)

My two brothers,  Jeff is middle and Brad is the baby

My brother Brad new girlfriend, Cindi, LOVED HER!!

The three of us
My table :)

I Smile because it's not a big tree but I love to watch the lights

Smile at the color on my coffee table

Smile at the Refreshment table for Santa :)

Smiling at my UpperCase Living Words - turned out perfectly

Winter Bathroom

Smile each morning when I get ready for work

Aren't they adorable - my very FIRST outside decorations - Mr Man is still working on juice for them

Heathen and Mr Man playing "soccer"  I have to smile Heathen almost looks mean LOL
Christmas bedroom

Cute  bedding

Have you decorated? Hoping you find many smiles this week!!