Monday, December 12, 2011

I don't want to.....

Is it already Monday? Really?! The lazy monster has really tied me up!! I don't want to do ANYTHING, I don't want to clean the house,  I don't want to do school work, I don't want to wrap presents, I don't want to go to work - are you sensing a theme here?  NOT GOOD I have too much to do and all I have to do is get through this week and then I start stay-cation and while I have to attend school next Tuesday night, I do not have to school the following Tuesday which means I don't have any school work next either after Tuesday :) SWEET!! I have a really good weekend, it was a cold weekend so I did Zumba for the first time on Sat -<Light Bulb> I didn't get my spiritual cleansing on the Greenway maybe that's why I'm acting and feeling all depressed...mmmmmmmm but anyways back to my weekend... :)

Zumba was okay, I had no clue what I was doing so I spent most of the time trying to figure out the moves but I did get a good work out and today I can barely walk because my calves are sore so I must have done something, uh? Saturday afternoon went to an UpperCase Living crafts get together and made some really cute Christmas presents for some of my family members - great fun, food, and FAB company!! Sunday - the Lazy Monster came - I got up with intentions of getting some school work done, going to Church, cleaning the house and etc. Nothing on that list got accomplished - you know why? Cuz I didn't want to LOL that is a concept I have learned as I have gotten older - if I don't want to, I don't have to, and there are, in most cases, no consequences, except the school work on the list, makes no real difference. It just means that now I'll be scrambling tomorrow night to get it all done. That doesn't bother me too much as I tend to produce my best work, last minute and under pressure :) of course there always exceptions. How was your weekend? Do you have your shopping completed?

1 comment:

  1. If I were your neighbor I would offer to wrap your presents.
    And just do one thing at a time- - by the time you realize it, it will all be done :)
