Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I smile.....

This week I have alot to smile about - I'm on stacey-cation and Monday was my b-day!! I am truly spoiled rotten (just in case you haven't figured it out) :) Friday my daughter and son-in-law and team members decorated my cube and brought donuts for breakfast. Now the knee slapper, I didn't make it in because of wrecks in my area but my daughter sent me the pic - made me smile anyways :)

Mr. Man outdid himself for my b-day dinner - he made stuffed mushrooms, lobster tail, king crab legs, and bacon-wrapped scallops - my grandmother made me a cheesecake as well but I was so stuffed that we never got to it - YUMMY OH....I almost forgot - I got teased a bit about my chocolate milk with lobster - well... hey, I was the birthday girl - do what I want LOL

After this scrumptious dinner he then took me shopping and got me some new tennis shoes that take the chip and the you know this is probably old news to you really techies out there but.....this sure does appeal to my novel side and the dryfit socks - not only for my workouts but gonna wear them with my boots :)

Coooolllllllllll :)

Bath and Body Works - I used the bath salts immediately L-O-V-E-D - have the lotion and body wash put up for when I run out of what I'm currently using. I know, I'm strange but I can't open one thing without the other one empty <shrug shoulders>

I'm only spoiled by Mr Man, my mother got me this soft soft run and solar wind chime - I love wind chimes :)

In addition to the cheese cake, my grandmother gave me this super super soft blanket - Gizmo and Heathen gave their snuggle of approval :)

Hope your week is going as wonderful as mine!!

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