Wednesday, January 2, 2013


2013 is here and today is back to the routines. The tree is down and the decorations are put away again for another year. 2012 goals on the 1st:

1) Get out of debt - seems I got worse
2) Continue my MBA - check
3) Lose 20 lbs and continue to eat healthy and excercise - kinda
3) Declutter my house - laundry room, office, and spare bedroom - only have the spare bedroom to go but I did get the closets
4) continue home improvement - check
5) Eliminate negative aspects of my life -WIP
 6) Try to see the good in all situations - be positive -WIP
7) Give more of myself -WIP
8) Give my best efforts to my job check
9) Get Real Estate License (tentative) - fail
10) Stop procrastinating -fail
2013 Goals:

1) Get out of debt - start a savings accounts
2) Continue MBA - only have until March
3) Lose 30 lbs - continue to eat healthy and exercise
4) Get a car
5) Continue home improvements
6) Purge negative thoughts
7) Evaluate relationships and goals
8) Continue to work on my job
9) Try to be a blessing to those around me
10) Continue self-improvments

1 comment:

  1. Those are some good ideas. You know, I think you have a wonderful heart.
