Friday, April 29, 2011


Lately I have been stumbing upon the strangest writings that seem as if they are trying to tell me something. Isn't it funny that reading the same horoscope has different meanings to different people? Last week, my horoscope said, please forgive me I am going to have a paraphrase as I didn't save it, that I was swimming with a bunch of sharks but not all are ferocious and my good deeds will not go unnoticed and I will be protected. WTH That was almost eerrie for me. So today it says, " If you ignore life's fiscal neesds, your extravagant impulses will most assuredly get you in trouble, big time. If you spend wildly and overindulge, you'll regret it later."

Big time? Really? MMMM I'm not sure but I think that means I should not go buy those wedge heel sandals I am frothing at the mouth to get.... I think it's funny how I keep reading things of this nature as if speaking to me personally. Do you sometimes have times when things speak to you?

Anyhooo, TGIF. Kelly sent me another one of her masterpieces: I must have her necklace and earrings. Isn't she beautiful? GORGEOUS!!

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April Showers Bring.....

May Flowers :) and man have we had plenty of rain, in between the rain storms we got a sunshine reprieve and so I took my walk and snapped some pictures along the way of some things/flowers that caught my eye:

Love the green rolling hills and that house is soo cute

Close to the end of my street - I really like how she did this

This picture doesn't do them justice

this is starting to bloom - is just reminds me of Hope - with a glimpse of what is to be

more rolling green - soothing to me

This is beside the cottage below

I love this cottage and imagine how cool it must be to sit out on the deck and overlook those rolling hills

This my hilly, hurt my buttocks road :)

I am so proud of how this is looking this year at my house
This is coming up my sidewalk

yellow roses are blooming

PURTTY - I love yellow

looks like it has potential

cute little baby

I haven't been able to wear this dress in FOREVER
I really like the heel on these shoes
All of these sites (ha ha too much time on the web) sights that I share with you uplift my spirit!!! I really love Spring/Summer. What are your favorite seasons? What uplifts your spirits these days? Have a great day!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Better with Age

It is Sick Man's birthday, poor thing. I took the day off and have a feeling we will be celebrating in the ER. I think that is horrible, remember this is the woman who celebrates the 7 days of MY birthday :) Well, Happy Birthday anyways my love, wish I could make him feel better. I suppose when you reach our age, he will be 46 and I am 40, birthdays are just a sign of aging. I was talking with my friend Kristine awhile back and it occurred to me there ARE some good things about aging.

1) I don't care!!! The little things don't stress you out. For instance, in my 20's if Mr Man didn't want to go somewhere with me or do something with me I would be devasted and would have forsaken what I wanted to do for what HE wanted to do. Now, I shrug and go do what I wanted and have a wonderful time.

2). In my 20's I felt I needed to have company in order to have a good time. Now, I can do alone and sometimes prefer it.

3) I take pleasure in the little things. I seem to be more appreciative of things like nature and finding the good in the situation. Nothing makes me happier than sitting in my swing and listening and watching the birds in a freshly mowed yard.

Another example:
A co-worker was saying she had just gotten back from vacation and it rained the whole time but she found things to do and ended up having a great time. I pointed out to her that at the age of 20 - the rain would have been the end of the vacation - the vacation would have sucked.

4) I have turned into Susie Homemaker. I have been experimenting with recipes and decorating and even my interest in fashion is a result of my maturing. My children say they wish I had done the cooking when they were growing up. At 20, I once tried to bake cookies for my son's daycare class - they turned out hard little frisbies - DANGEROUS little suckers :) I knew better than to try to bake for my daughter's functions - Kroger's Bakery and I  were best friends. Now, I am an accomplished baker LOL

5) That reminds me that I would now also be a better parent than I was in my 20's. I get it now. Sorry kiddies - remember you didn't come with manuals, not that I would have had the patience to read it anyways :)

Don't get me wrong, if God came to me today and offered to make me 20 again in my 20 year old body - my vanity would no doubt kick in and I would go back :P

This is one of my favorite spring outfits
Blouse and skirt - CATOs
shoes - Shoe Dept
Are there some things that have happened to you as you have aged that you like better?

Monday, April 25, 2011

UpperCase Living Weekend

Happy Monday!! I hope everyone had a nice Easter. Mr. Man is very sick again, the same thing he had  back in December. I am not sure what is going on with him :(  Heathen has been so upset by this as well.

 I haven't talked to yall in awhile so I'll just give you a peek into last week or the weekend.

 I went to an UpperCase Living Party Saturday night and I can't wait to get my new goodies and really want some more goodies. I am going to have to drum up some friends to have a party of my own in the next couple of months :) Why does EVERYTHING I find entertaining cost money? I am starting a new position this week within the same company, I am both excited and nervous. I am the type of person who cannot make a decision for fear of making the wrong choice. I have a hard time choosing which is why I wear my clothes in the order they are hanging in the closet. So I hope I have made the right decision. I find that I have been restless lately and hard to find things to keep my interest.

This is a want for my bedroom:

Aspens Fine Print
I did order this and plan to put up on the wall at the head board and then I will buy the pic above to go either underneath or above I think these color will look awesome with my gray walls in my bedroom

To look something like the below minus the leaves (for now :)

For my bathroom I ordered the below which I think will look great above the mirror and light fixture. Are they not FAB?!:

Vintage Beach Signs
I want to go on the wall by the toilet or above the shower

I think this would look great in my hall:

Life isn't about waiting for the st...

Never lose a chance to say a kind word
I would like this above the doorway from the living room leading into the kitchen
Bird in a flower tree

For my bedroom wish list:
The weather for Easter was not what I had hoped for but I did enjoy a great meal at my mother's, the weather and Mr Man's illness kept me from going to my friend Kim's house (the one who made the gourd birdhouse) but hopefully she will  have something again soon so that I can make it up to her :) What did you do for Easter? What's on the agenda for the week? Have a great one!!

Friday, April 15, 2011


TGIF!!! The weather today was gorgeous, I had to take half sick day and work from home today. Pitiful, ain't I? :P Had to go see a periodontist - seems the braces will most definitely need to wait - I need to have gum surgery. Shaking Head. But I must brag a little, I put on my capris from last summer that were a little snug and they are really really loose. Of course, these are still the same size and not sure if I'm quite ready to step down to a smaller size but it is nice to see that I am in fact making progress. This weekend is the River & Spires festival - I must admit that I have never attended any of hometown festivities and I can't really offer an explanation as to why. The past few years I didn't want to go by myself, Mr. Man has had NO interest. But this year he has agreed to go, I will let you know if he actually goes or if it was one of those humoring moments hoping I will become distracted and forget all about it. (I do that ALOT) LOL. Although, rain is moving in for our Friday and it's going to only get up to 60 degrees on Sat :( That does not sound like festival worthy weather. Someone is not communicating and coordinating well with Mother Nature.

This is also my last weekend of Finance Hell. Start Information Management next Tuesday, hopefully I will get to have some sort of life during this class. (whining and pouting)  I also MUST get to Ross to get me some of those wedge heel sandals. I must have them, I must, I tell ya!!!
My top 5 MUSTS, I guess these are really WANTS, at this moment are:
1) acquire wedge heel sandals
2) acquire lemon balm plants for my back swing
3) find some wall art for my bedroom
4) replace the spider plants I killed in my living room
5) get a new tattoo (hummingbird/branch) and get the hated one covered up
( the cover up I want is the peace frog with little round glasses sitting on his nose, doesn't that sound cool)

Heathen trying to get me to play
He is loving this weather not too hot not too cold

He loves my diet coke bottles
He "steals" them from me every chance he gets

Ready, set, GOOOOO

I don't know what kind of plant this
First time coming up in my garden

Love the smell of freshly cut grass

I'm bragging
Hope the extra skin doesn't offend - Not trying to be sexy
FINALLY can see some results

Heathen is the big baby that I love dearly :)

Me messing with Mr Man

Tomato plants - Hurry up!!!
Whatcha doing this weekend? Do you have any must haves right now? Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


So the new shoes were EXCELLENT today on  my afternoon walk. Walking is one exercise that I must say I enjoy. I like to be outside in warm weather, the key word there is warm. I cannot stand cold weather. Snow skiing or any other activity requiring you to be outside in the cold is of no interest to me at all. Today was our Weight Watchers at Work meeting  - I lost a little (roll eyes)- not as quickly as I had hoped so I have revamped my goal so that I can come closer to achieving :) The theme today was taking time for ourselves and the leader stated, "When you settle on something you have denied yourself what you deserve." That is a thought provoking statement. I  think I will play devil's advocate for a minute.

So what is the difference between "settling" and "accepting the truth"? For instance, I wanted a mansion but I had to "settle" for  what I could afford. Which brings another thought, have you ever known someone that no matter what they achieved or had, they were never happy because they were always wanting more or competing with others? I have. I came to feel sorry for them and that was the moment  that I decided to be happy with what I had and not concern myself with I didn't have. I accepted my middle class fate as it finally dawned on me that if I am always thinking about what I didn't have, when would the time come that I had everything I wanted? Is that settling? That does not mean that I still don't want things - I just don't let it ruin my enjoyment for what I do have and I do not let the strategy for achieving the "wants" consume me. Well, except for maybe the weight loss thing, but you know, we all have our "thing" :)

And then there is ambition, if you have a job that  you truly love but you are qualified to do a job that would pay you ALOT more money, are you settling in the job you love or do you lack ambition? I think those answers are what is in the heart and the mindset of that  person in that moment of their life's priorities. I think that "what you deserve" and "settling" is dependent on each individuals definition. What is deserving to me, may seem like settling to someone else. Do you feel you have the life you deserve or did you settle? If you settled, why do you think that?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Grateful For - Right this minute

Have you missed me? I have missed you!!! I am sure you have been wondering where I have been. I have been sitting in the chair below in Finance Hell....... one more week...... The weather was gorgeous and for some reason my wireless was not working so I was stuck in this chair. My intention was to call AT&T tonight about my wireless, but guess what? It's working perfectly tonight. HAHA Go Figure.
 It is going to much cooler this weekend but I did get  some more growth pics to show you, I am sooo excited
Lilies are opening  up

Green Green :)

I only planted ONE in there :) YAHHH

The beginnings of my beautiful Holly Hocks

So we planted 3 Wisteria and 3 honeysuckles
 and only 1 made it.
I think this my honeysuckle

I really love those Dogwood trees, since the rain has come they are really white

3 year old Bradford Pear we planted

Ain't it cute?

This flower bed is coming alive this year
It is 2 years old

Sitting in my swing looking up - HEAVEN

What I wore to work Monday

Necklace - gift from Hollie
Blouse - JcPenney
Skirt  - JcPenny
Zipper shoes -  yardsale

Sweater and Blouse - Christopher Banks
Pants - Belks
Shoes - The Shoe Dept.

I really love the stacked look in the back
Pants are little baggy but too soon to buy new pants yet

This was waiting for me when I get home, my friend Kim, grew this gourd
handpainted it and made a birdhouse gourd and sent it to ME
I am sooooo excited and fortunate to have the wonderful group of friends that I have

Look at the detail she painted - Gorgeous!!!

My new black walking shoes - they are 1/2" too big and my feet kinda slide

My other new black walking shoes - tried them on and LOVE THEM
Taking them for a spin for my tomorrow afternoon walk - can't wait :)
I have so many things to be grateful for that when things aren't going my way I sometimes forget too easily.  This weekend was a prime example - I felt really sorry for myself that I had sooo much to do and I really wanted me to outside and then I couldn't figure it out and, well you know, grumble this and grumble that. Last night I pulled off a miracle - I completed that stupid Finance homework - now I don't know if I did it right - but that was not my goal - my goal was to finish  HAHAHA. Then today, I came home to find the gourd - made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and reminded me of how lucky I really am. I work for a company that I am proud to work for and love my job and the people I work with. I have a group of awesome friends that have many different talents and strengths. I have healthy relationships with my children, even though I desperately wish they were young again - I would be sooo much a better parent now than I was in my 20's, I get it now :) And.....did I mention that summer is almost here :) All of these things are just what I am grateful for right this many, the list changes and could on indifinetly. What do you have to grateful for right this minute?