Friday, April 1, 2011

Flower Power

Winter is still holding on for dear life but never underestimate the flower power. From my bathroom window I can see my flower bed near my swing and I saw standing tall and red, my bleeding-hear fern. <BIG GRIN> Poor thing doesn't last long though because they call for partial to full shade, well..... I THOUGHT it was shady there but it just so happens that the sun comes down through the trees like a huge spotlight midday and cooks the poor things.

I am extremely new to gardening and planting, thought I should put that disclaimer in there just in case you could not tell. :) But that does not make me less enthusiastic especially since I see growth popping up in all my flower beds. I am sooo happy to see them and took a few snaps to share with you that Spring IS coming :)

Bleeding heart fern

has some growing action

Fern is standing tall in defiance of winter hanging on


he is waiting for me to come and play

Front has some growth too :)

My rose bush has some growth
Concerned about the tulips where my morning glory and moon flowers should be mmm

This rose bush is also coming alive

My easter lilies - can't wait for the blooms

This side has some growth as well -

Do you hear that?

Time to go to bed - Have a great weekend :)
Have another finance fun filled weekend but I also have some real fun things planned, breakfast with my grandma Sat morning and Sat night going to an UpperLiving project night - I am decorating a fish bowl with a seahorse on it to add to my decor in the bathroom - sooooo excited and worried. In addition to lack of patience, I also lack creativity for such project which really I think goes back to the patience because I just want to "get it done and quickly" So keep your fingers crossed that I don't ruin my materials in my haste to see the finished result. Hope you have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. You should take a picture every weekend so you can "see" the plants grow.
    As for the fern, water it at night - it should make it :)
