Monday, April 4, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was absolutely wonderful. The weather was PERFECT!! Saturday morning went to Ihops early for breakfast with my Grandma and Aunt in honor of Grandma's b-day. Went home and did a few hours of Finance, then went to get my hair done. I finally broke down - could not stand the "off blond" aka gray hair any longer. VERY GLAD I did. Then I went to Beth's UpperCaseLiving party for a project night. She had sent an email about a month ago with different project you could do - there were coasters, coffee bean night light, and fish tank. I had the BEST time at this party. She was an awesome hostess - had artichoke bread and these ooee gooey cookis that were sooo good. Below are some pics I took while there
Kim's finished project - me likes

HAHA Tavie doesn't like this one :)

Bonita's finished project - CUTE

Laura's WIP

Finished project - I am partial to the red

Tavie's finished project - CUTE CUTE

This was my project -Great location in my bathroom
Opposite of my other sea horse - LOVE IT
Sunday was even prettier. Mr Man and I went to Lowe's - my want list grows each time I go there. I looked at pavers to make a patio area in the swing in the back, I looked at ponds and fountains. I browsed the flowers but I think it's too early just yet. Mr Man grilled and I had to concentrate on getting my school work done but every hour or so I would go outside to take a break. Loved having the windows open, it got warm enough to turn the air on but we persevered.
Man's best friend :)

Getting ready to play soccer


Heathen says it's HIS ball

Mr Man grilled in honer of the 80 degree weather YUMMY

Hashbrown casserole - LOVE IT

Finally got my b-day present from my Aunt up

This is in the foyer - picture doesn't do it justice

Happy Monday to everyone!! How was your weekend? What did you do? Have you ever done any projects from UpperCase Living?

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to seeing how your hair turned out..
    How cool that you and your friends get together and work on projects, I wish my friends would do that...
