The weather is just teasing us here in Tn. Yesterday was lower 60's sunshine, I walked to and from the gym at lunch and then me and my walking buddies got our 30 minute walk in. Now, today is cold and they are calling for lows to be in the 30's, brrrr. I know it's still February but the groundhog said we are having an early bring it on :) I only have one more week of school - 7 days that I hope pass quickly. I sure have been wearing my brooch alot lately. Are you tired of seeing it yet? I think I may need to get it a friend since it is an only acquirement. I just have to decide on the color, the purple brooch was bought because my purple duster string broke and I needed something to clasp it and my friend Kristine has so many fabulous brooches that it just made complete sense.
I have had the below jacket and t-shirt, called the Weekender, for probably 10 years or maybe even more. I have a really small skirt somewhere that matches like when I was a size 3 and I'm definitely not that size now. I like that I'm curvy girl at the bottom but sometimes it makes it hard to buy suits because my bottom is so much larger than the top. How is your week going so far?
You look beautiful.