Thursday, January 26, 2012


My blog is almost a year old, Feb 7 will be officially one year of blogging. This outfit reflects how I have grown from blogging and reading other bloggers. I would have NEVER put this dress with pants but I saw it and I liked how it looked on my fellow blogger and I tried it. This was my Ross find, it was between this and another dress, Kristine said I would be happier with this one. Well she was wrong, I am WAY MORE pleased with how this turned out and I got a few compliments on it :) This lady said she liked how I did something unique and I, of course, loved that. I love unique and novelty things and I am pleased that I am now allowing who I really am to reflect the way I present myself to the world, but more importantly, how I present myself to me. I went to the gym today at lunch and a television show was on regarding toxic friends and to replace them with "low-fat" friends. I have also accomplished this - I now have friends with different interests -  It's funny I seem to gravitate towards women that are wonderful mothers, creative, interests in cooking, the arts, and other- perhaps they possess qualities that I wish I had when my children were young. I definitely wish Kristine had been around when my daughter was young, my daughter would love the neat things they do, that I never knew about or thought about. I think with my upcoming birthday I'm a little reflective.....What kind of women friends do you gravitate?

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