Friday, February 22, 2013


This is one my favorite sweaters with the birds. I absolutely love the birds - I love to hear them sing and I love to watch them at the feeders (before the cats came) I no longer fill the feeders since my neighbor got cats that Mr Man feeds and they think they live at my house. I also got to see a bird giving himself a bath - I thought that was the neatest thing. My daughter HATES the birds, she hates to hear them singing and everything about them. I find that very strange. I also love to hear church bells and windchimes. I love to see the sun shining in through the window and I especially love to see it through the stain glass at church. These are things that bring me peace, much like walking on the Greenway provides. Of course, the perfect outfit can bring some happiness and make me feel good. What brings you peace?

1 comment:

  1. I could not agrreeee more i love birds too and they DO give me a sense of peace. How could your daughter not like them ?
    I have a weekend house and when we go I always like to set aside bananas and just sit and watch the most colorful and amazing birds come by, of course we also get HENS!
    And thank you for your comment on my necklace, it was actually very cheap and i regret that i did not pick up the gold toned one too. It is so light!
