Weekend was spent pretty much being sick. Friday was spent at the hospital for my daughter's biopsy, we should get the results in a week, I did take advantage of their Courtyard while I waited and did some school work reading. I think I need a water feature in my back yard :)
Water fountain taken from seat on the bench where I was reading |
The landscaping - it was very peaceful |
After the procedure we did a little thrifting and went to my grandmother's who fixed us lunch and presented me with a bunch of new scarves she scored for me at the Salvation Army. There are some really pretty ones. During the thrifting, I scored some red flat shoes :) I created an outfit just to wear those that you will see tomorrow. I woke up Saturday with a sore throat but still got my 4 mile walk in and took some pictures of the trail I am sharing with you. I also received my condolence E-bay headbands - I love them!!
Sunday was spent in bed with nose blowing accessories and school work spread around me. Mr Man made me breakfast and served me in bed - I was very pleased with this gesture especially since he and I have been growling at each other lately - I think this is result of his night shift work and him being tired. I, of course, have not contributed to any of the strife :) I also slept about 4 hours and I took a 2 hour nap on Saturday. I really did not feel well at at.
<ACHHHHOOO> Hoping I shake this cold quickly and you have a great day!!
I was laughing at your "nose blowing" accessories.... hope you get well soon.