Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday Wants

I finished James Patterson's "Now You See Her" and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a really lazy Sunday afternoon. I should have been making tomato sauce with all the tomatoes I have in my kitchen, but the Couch Monster had me. I had to give in and come inside from my swing - it was too hot humid to be outside. Mr Man slept all day but this is the last weekend that he will be working. He starts his new shift working M - F (still nights) but days off will be Sat and Sunday. Perhaps we can start attending some free local entertainment. My daughter has her biopsy today but I have faith that everything will be okay as the ultrasound radiologists said.

I wanted to share with you some things that I have seen that I really like from ABC Distributing:

I would LOVE to add this to my bathroom for the fall

Would like to add this to my kitchen

The local paper took this picture of my aunt Cathy, grandma, and me at Cooling at the Cave

I am thinking of the Sage to switch out for the spring/summer in my living room

I love this look

I really like 2fers :)

I need to add some skirts to my closet

Love the Sock Monkey

Thumbs up

Isn't this cool?

1 comment:

  1. You three ladies are looking lovely :)
    I have not read a book in months, you made me feel like I should pick up something else other than a magazine.
