Hard to believe one quarter is almost completed for 2011. The makes me remember that most people make goals on January 1 and by this time have forgotten those goals. I am no different so I thought I should think of those goals and do an inventory to make sure that I keep going or realign my goals to maximize. So January 1, 2011 I said I would:
1) Get of debt
2) Finish BA and start MBA
3) Get Real Estate License
4) Lose weight - 52 lbs to be exact
5) Keep fixing up the house
6) Continue self improvement/style improvement
7) Become involved in more activities
8) Organize work and become more efficient
9) Be a better person
10) Get breast implants - for my 40th b-day
So let's see how I am doing on those goals:
1) I am making progress but slooooowwwllllyy. I refinanced my car, I am working on consolidating my credit cards. Have any of you ever done this?
Some bad financial decisions are still haunting me today but with time - or patience (there's that word AGAIN) I consider that I'm on track - still much work to do
2 & 3) BA will be completed on June 27 - once that is completed will work on number 3 once that is completed then enroll for MBA - (I might take the summer off before going for the MBA) Definitely on track
4) I am on track and the scale has been moving. I have lost 18 lbs since January 1, approx 34% completed to my goal. Joined the WW at work program in addition to my online WW that I do. Still going to the gym every other day at lunch and started walking at work as well. Trying to incorporate evening work outs - this I am having problems doing with my school work
5) Haven't done much in that area - really should not have been list until I got number 1 under control
6) The blog has been a great outlet for me and reading all my favorite blogs has been helpful in staying focused and reminding me to continue to work on this. WIP I continue to read the Daily Guideposts every morning before I go to work to start my day off in a positive manner.
7) Haven't done much in this area. I am really sooo busy with work, school, blogging, and trying to get some rest to enjoy my home on the weekends. Turning into a hermit but I really love staying home on the weekends and enjoying my back yard. Off Track
8) I have been productive and meeting my goals. Revamped my ticket spreadsheet and things are going more smoothly. Still need to work on my email response and watch for QA emails to ensure that I respond in a timely manner. Still struggling with issues that are not in my comfort level On track
9) This is always a WIP (work in progress) but I am smiling more at people and trying to not letting the small stuff affect my mood. There are still days when I could blow my top. :)
10) Didn't happen - refer back to number 1
As I look over my list, I notice that it is all "ME ME ME". I need to find a way to give back and help people. So I think I will restate number 7 to be: Find a cause that I can donate my time to at least once a month to give back. I also notice that some of my goals are vague and hard to measure.
2nd quarter goals:
1) Get of debt
2) Finish BA and start MBA
3) Get Real Estate License
4) Lose weight - 52 lbs to be exact
5) Start a savings account for home improvments - this will prob start at the end of 2nd quarter
6) Continue to find ways to improve myself
7) Find a cause that I can donate my time to at least once a month to give back
8) Organize work and become more efficient - do more than production with ease
9) Embrace challenges head on and remember they are a way to learn new things and part of self growth
Did you set goals or resolutions for yourself for 2011? If so what were they? How does your 1st quarter look? If not, are you thinking of setting some goals for 2nd quarter? Well, we will pick this blog back up at the end of June to see how MY 2nd quarter has gone. Good luck and wishing everyone great prosperity and lots of sun and fun for the 2nd quarter :)
Necklace - gift from Hollie
Blouse - Walmart
Sweater - Marshalls
Capris - Goodies
Shoes - yardsale |
It was a gorgeous day!!! |