The view from the first swing on the Greenway - sooo relaxing |
Taylor checking out the swing - the Greenway was FAB She was a wondeful walking buddy :) Hope we can do it again SOON |
Sunday I slept in until 11, missed church, the time change doesn't really agree with me. You know what else doesn't agree with me, criticism. I have a huge charachter flaw that I want everyone to like me and it bothers me when I think someone doesn't. One reason most quoted by folks for not liking a person is the phrase of "trying to be something they're not". What does that mean exactly? There are plenty of quotes about it:
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld
We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin. ~André Berthiaume, Contretemps
You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not. ~Andre Gide
You were born an original. Don't die a copy. ~John Mason
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not. ~Andre Gide
I have a few questions about that phrase that I am hoping to figure out. Where is the line between self-improvement and growth and "being something you're not" and why can't that person be that "something" said they aren't? Is the phrase said out of jealousy or meanness? What action prompted this comment? Does not divulging "embarassing secrets" and only revealing positive things about oneself constitute being something you're not?
I know that I have been on quest to find myself and make changes in myself and life. I have been excited about the new roads my life has taken. Blogging was one thing that I ventured out of my comfort zone and was so afraid that people would think it was stupid, I have decided that I am having so much fun with it that I probably wouldn't notice if they did :)
You see, I had fallen into being negative and lost. I still struggle with some of my insecurities and am lucky to have a friend who reminds me to keep my goals in focus and remember that I am doing fine without "them". I actually wrote it and have it pinned up at my desk with a list of my goals this year.
Thinking about this phrase, I came up with some behaviour modifications that I may try to ensure that I don't offend anyone unintentionally:
1) Think before I speak: Work to not seem like a braggert when excited and wanting to share my accomplishments or something new that I have learned/accomplished.
2) Listen as well as talk. Make sure that I don't get so carried away that I dominate conversations about "ME ME ME" :)
3) Remember that NOT everyone is going to like me and to not take it personally.
I also found some tips React-when-Insulted-or-Teased:
Have you ever been accused of being something you're not? How did you handle it? What do YOU think the is the difference between trying to be something you're not and trying to improve?
I think the difference is in 'intention'. You know how a "Lounge Lizard" feels slimey and makes your skin crawl? You just know he is NOT at all nice underneath.. Somehow the true us shines through to people and when we put on airs it is so obvious.. but when we try to, genuinly try to, change ourselves our hearts are in the right place and that shines through too.. Maybe Sincerity is the keyword..
ReplyDeleteTrying to be something you're not...and trying to improve...almost an oxymoron!
ReplyDeleteHow do butterflies come about? They start out as caterpillars...and through "metamorphosis", the earth bound caterpillars become beautiful creatures of the wind -- this process, metamorphosis, is defined as "a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism". Emphasis on "A PROFOUND CHANGE".
In general, most people are afraid of change...hence the hesitant reaction one receives when trying to better themselves. Change doesn't happen overnight - rather, over a period of time where small changes are repeated every day until a new habit is formed...Stay true to yourself, and remember "other people's opinions of you are non of your business!"